Student Information
Equilibrium School is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by our students and staff. We manage your personal information in accordance with the PIPA (Personal Information Protection Act) and other applicable laws.
Equilibrium School is committed to following the guidelines set out in PIPA to ensure that personal information about our students and staff is protected. This Privacy Policy outlines the principles and practices we follow in protecting your personal information.
We take every reasonable effort to prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, disclosure, or modification of personal information.
One way that we protect personal information is by training our staff to appreciate the importance of privacy and the confidentiality of personal information.
In addition, we ensure the security of the personal information in our possession by taking the following measures:
• We implement physical safeguards of personal information, including ensuring that areas in
which information is stored are secure.
• We implement technological safeguards such as password protection to secure personal information that is stored in electronic form.
• We implement administrative safeguards by restricting access to personal information to those with a need to access the information.
• All Equilibrium employees dealing with personal information are trained to safeguard the information and follow strict confidentiality policies.
• We maintain personal information only for as long as required, after which the information will be destroyed.
• We use secure measures when destroying personal information. We destroy paper files containing personal information by shredding them. We destroy electronic information by permanently deleting it and by ensuring that hardware is discarded in accordance with commonly accepted security standards.
All staff and students have a responsibility to contribute to a teaching, learning and working environment that is characterized by mutual respect, open communication and the resolution of conflicts.
The complaints policy and procedures are based on the following principles:
- That the process used to handle and resolve complaints is fair and is impartial and capable of offering appropriate outcomes;
- That complaints are treated confidentially, and information is only used for the purposes for which it was collected;
- That the complaints procedures are easily understood, and that students and staff have access to information about the operation and outcomes of the process;
- That any barriers which deter or prevent students from accessing the complaints system are identified and steps taken to remove them;
- That a mechanism is in place to ensure that no student is victimized or suffers detriment as a result of making a complaint;
- That complaints are handled in a timely manner;
- That staff who handle complaints are enabled and encouraged to use their judgment within a framework of documented guidelines, procedures;
When a problem or issue arises, students are advised to seek information and assistance from Equilibrium's main office. Students have three options for proceeding:
- speak with the Student Counsellor
- speak with the office administrator in the reception
- speak with the School Director
When a problem or issue cannot be resolved in step 1, a student makes a complaint (oral or written) to the School Director. She will endeavor to find a resolution. The majority of complaints are resolved successfully at this Step.
Students who feel that their complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved can request a review by Equilibrium's President. All requests to the President need to be done in writing. Equilibrium's President will independently review the complaint and either support the original offer or provide an alternative resolution. Equilibrium's Director or/and President will send (by mail, email, or fax) resolution details in writing to the student giving reasons for the decision. (within 72h of receiving the complain)
STEP 4 (EAL students only)
EAL students who feel that their complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved after step 3 have the option to have their complaint reviewed by Languages Canada. It is to be noted that only serious disputes that are considered irreconcilable will be reviewed.
Languages Canada's Dispute Resolution Policy is designed to judiciously evaluate and reconcile a complaint related to a member's possible violation of the Code of Ethics.
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